Launching the ‘Meanwhile in Oxfordshire…’ Impact Report
This month we are excited to share a deep-dive into the impact and insights of ’Meanwhile in Oxfordshire…‘, £1.9m programme launched in 2021 in partnership with Oxford City Council.
With funding secured by OxLEP from the central government’s Getting Building Fund, the programme was developed to transform underused space, support local communities and diversify our urban centres. So far, it has seen the reanimation of 28 spaces across Oxfordshire’s five districts; it has facilitated the creation or support of over 200 jobs and housed more than 100 organisations… We thought that was worth celebrating.
Collated over the last quarter, this report aims to tell the story of the programme so far, to highlight its unprecedented ambitions, to share our insights and experiences, and to serve as a tool for other organisations wanting to affect positive change through place-based renewal.

What’s inside?
Inside, you’ll find details of our key learnings, strategies and methodologies used throughout the programme. We explore the concept of ‘affordable space’ and who has access to it, as well as providing a detailed financial overview of the programme so far.
The report underscores the ripple-effect of the programme through real-life stories from our residents across Oxfordshire who are busy making their own impact in their communities.
We illustrate both successes and missed opportunities, and conclude with a toolkit that contains learnings that we hope will support the development of future programmes like this one.

Who is it for?
Our hope is that this report will serve as a guide for those with ambitions to foster a more inclusive economy: For local groups and government programs aspiring to rejuvenate urban centres, emphasising an inclusive economy that prioritises social, environmental, and place-based justice alongside economic development.
Importantly, it is also an opportunity to thank our residents, partners, stakeholders, local communities and colleagues past and present, who have all made this programme possible.
Where can I find it?
You can view or download the full report here, or find out more about the programme on our project page.
We’d love to hear your feedback! Get in touch [email protected], or join us for an online webinar in May where we’ll discuss our findings (more info coming soon). Follow us on socials or sign up to our newsletter to hear the latest.